Jacqueline Lohr | Extra Life

Jacqueline Lohr | Extra Life


Development Officer, Extra Life

10:30 am - 11:30 am

Meet the Committees

<u> Location</u>: Atlantic Ballroom <p> <br> Connect with committee chairs to discuss how and where you can get directly involved. <br></br> <a class="buttonBlue" href="https://esportsta.org/about-esta/committees/">About ESTA's Committees</a> <br></br> <a class="buttonBlue" href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScAaXcxBUbQJofMwAWu9liHKvPcBGGQFLMDMdKfFbbqXgDesg/viewform">Join a Committee</a>

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Meet the Experts

<u> Location</u>: Atlantic Ballroom <p> <br> Gain direct access to industry leaders! Join us for an opportunity to meet and learn from industry authorities in our "Meet the Experts" event. During this event, attendees will have the chance to sit down with 2-3 experts in a small group setting and ask them questions about their field. There will be three 15-20 minute rounds of discussions, allowing attendees to visit multiple tables. <p> <br> </p> <a class="buttonBlue" href="https://esportsta.org/esportsnext-2023/speakers-2023/">Who's Who Industry Experts</a>