Member Spotlight: Meet Trevor Johnson
April 3, 2020How did you get started in esports?
My first encounter with esports came with Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. I played ranked play with some of my best friends in high school, this was when I first started to watch competitive esports. I watched the Optic Gaming Dynasty form, dominate, and then fall. I first became interested in a job in esports when I toured the Pacers Gaming facility. From there I heard that my college was starting an esports program and knew I needed to be involved. I emailed the people leading the charge. I was able to meet with the director and solidified my role in building the program. I have been assisting the director in building our brand and coming up with any content ideas to further not only our program but our players.
What opportunities would you like esports to offer you and/or future students?
One thing I would like to see esports offer to students is more of a way to get involved. I am a student assistant for my college esports program but I am talking more on the professional level. I want to see more internships and ways to set my name apart from others wanting to work in the field. There are plenty of tournaments and player showcases, but not as much for people wanting to work in the field. I have had to create all of my opportunities for myself, and know that not everyone is capable of doing that.
From your perspective, what would you like to see the esports industry do better?
From my perspective, one thing I would like to see the esports industry do better is to focus on content. This is already starting, but I feel that it can be even better. With all of the platforms dedicated to esports, there needs to be more of a focus and push to get esports more into the spotlight for more exposure. As a business student in college, I know that in order to grow, esports must expand to a greater audience and have more involvement. The easiest way to reach people in today’s society is through media and content.
What do you imagine the state of the esports industry will be like in 10 years?
In 10 years I imagine that the esports industry is going to be even bigger. I was once asked what esports is, and my answer was the future. I truly see esports becoming more mainstream and everyone rooting for a team, as it is with traditional sports. One reason for this is the start of franchised esports. With leagues such as the OWL and the CDL is gives people a home team to cheer for and keep up with. I see more leagues going towards this format and more people buying in and being exposed to their home teams even if they do not have a background in esports.
We are looking forward to having you join us at the upcoming conference, EsportsNext. As a student, how were you able to make this happen?
I am very fortunate in being able to attend the EsportsNext conference. After first hearing about the conference I knew that it was something that I needed to attend. However, after discussing it with my parents being a full-time student and the oldest of five children it was looking like I was not going to be able to attend. I was in a meeting with the Director of Alumni Relations at my college about an event I was hosting and mentioned my trip to Chicago for the CDL event but how I was unable to go to the conference. The director, knowing my passion for esports, asked for the information about EsportsNext. Later that afternoon I was notified that the Alumni Office would be paying for me to go. Thanks to the relationships I have formed I am very lucky to be able to attend the EsportsNext conference.
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